Friday, 1 July 2011

The Friday Flower Collection

A Rose By Any Other Name. . .
Rosa 'Gertrude Jekyll' to be exact.  I bought this David Austen rose yesterday; the fragrance as I walked past it, drew me in.  It has a quartered-rosette and a pinky-blue flower.  Beautiful.  As the name of my home is Rosebank I feel I should include as many roses as I can in the garden - but alas, space is at a premium, and they should be planted somewhere accessible so you can bury your nose right in and inhale the delicate perfume.

All the Dahlias are now in flower.  They range from yellow 'lily', pale pink 'pom-pom', bright pink 'cactus' to deep red.  I will be able to pick them right through the summer, but I am leaving them for a while just to enjoy the bright splash of clashing colour, that I wouldn't allow anywhere else in the garden.

The Ipomoea hederacea (Morning Glory) has just started to climb and flower.  Last year I had a spectacular display twining round a bamboo obelisk.  I sowed the pale blue variety which didn't do very well, but I prefer this purple one with the dark red stripe; I will post pictures when it really gets going.  Another one I grow is Convolvulus which is the same family but with a much smaller flower

A delightful lavender colour called 'Heavenly Blue'.  I grow this in pots of mixed planting and it trails over the edge.  Some years I have been able to keep them over-winter, but it is really an annual.  I may try taking cuttings this year as insurance.


  1. What a pretty blue in that last photo. Such lovely flowers.

  2. I love the Morning Glory you have there! See, I fancy climbers so much that if it were up to me, I'd cover my whole wall with beautiful plants… only my landlord won't allow that.
