Saturday 2 March 2024

A quick post


A quick post as it is late and I am very tired.  I tried to post yesterday. It Blogger was having none of it. It was my birthday and although I did nothing special it was enjoyable with cards and presents and people on my Instagram account being nice and wishing me well.

Today it has rained again pretty much all day; I went to our local co-op and saw these viola which were such a pretty colour they are now in my sitting room - I went to the post office to return yet another pair of jeans which didn’t fit properly - I’m giving up trying to find the perfect pair for now - I’ve had enough of disappointment.

That’s all I’ve got time for - time for lights out.


  1. Belated happy birthday. Blogger is very flaky at the best of time which is why I now write my main posts on WordPress with just a summary and link on Blogger, Lovely violas and you can plant them in the garden later.

    1. Thanks Sue - yes I intend to plant them out later

  2. By the way Norton tells me that your blog is dangerous - don't know why but is may put some visitors off

  3. I don’t know why unless it’s because I link it through Instagram
