Saturday 16 March 2024

Something about a Saturday


Somehow a Saturday feels different to the rest of the week even if you don’t have to go to work - it just seems more leisurely somehow - I linger longer over breakfast - a bacon and fried tomato sandwich - take longer in the bath maybe take a coffee with me and a book - go to the local co-op for a weekend treat of perhaps an egg custard and buy a chicken for Sunday lunch. Decide todo a bit of de-cluttering - today was the medicine cupboard and the bathroom cabinet - discarding old nail polish that had gone too thick and which I never use now - old tubes of out of date lotions and potions - cough medicines past their use by date by a few years - the list goes on.

Just small things can make a difference to the amount of stuff you have hanging about which you have hung on to that you don’t really need.


  1. I think our medicine cabinet is due a sort out.

  2. I can’t seem to be able to reply on my blog or yours
