Monday, 16 December 2013

looking back … flower posies


At this time of year, one of the things I enjoy doing, is looking back over the year’s photographs.  Regular readers will know that I love bringing flowers into the house ~ the selections encapsulate what is growing in the garden at the time of picking ~ these are a few posies that have been gathered over the last year.  A feast for the eyes.Jasmine, Primrose, Ivy, Viburnam, Wallflower SDC16307


SDC17426-001 SDC17214


Sweet William posiesJune



sweet peas


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When I see all these photographs together it makes me realise why I love growing flowers so much and the pleasure they bring.


  1. Gorgeous posies.. such wonderful colours on a dull, dreary, rainy December day... thank you Elaine they've cheered me up :o)

  2. Lovely - my problem is that I can't bring myself to cut flowers from to garden so have to grow cut flowers on the plot. This means not as much variety.

  3. Oh I really love this - flowers for each month. Where's November? :)

  4. Lovely! Flighty xx

  5. My goodness. I'm lucky if the children bring in a summer jam jar of dandelions.

  6. I love bringing flowers into the house, these are such a lovely collection too. It's lovely to look back at them altogether.
    Sarah x

  7. I love all your colourful posies, so beautiful. I do the same thing, picking flowers in the garden the whole year, who should we be without flowers.

  8. These pictures are stunning have you considered turning them into a calendar.I wish I had a garden so much

  9. You have some really nice photographs to share. Thank you.

  10. Oh my....gorgeous! I loved the first in the may

  11. What a delightful display of posies ~ you have a knack of gathering them together so prettily. I think you must have a very happy home :)

  12. A lovely source of inspiration Elaine, I really need to remember that a flower display doesn't have to be large to boost the spirits indoors, and therefore will not decimate the outdoor display!! I am envious of your perfect cotoneaster berries, mine all look distinctly manky now, certainly not fit for a close-up.

  13. They all look beautiful, Elaine. I really must grow more flowers for the house next year.

  14. Lovely blooms to see you through each month of the year - your home and garden must always look wonderful with such a choice of flowers. June's sweet peas are so pretty:)

  15. Elaine, you have had a gorgeous selection of flowers throughout the year. Well done you! It'll be all change in our garden come spring, whether I will be able to grow more flower varieties I dont know, my intention is to lay most of it to lawn for the grandchildren and in readiness for selling the house in the next couple of years.

  16. Don't you find it amazing that so much beauty and variety was in a garden that is now browns and stubs and a little bit bare? Looking back at your gorgeous posies makes me look forward to the season to come.

  17. These are all beautiful bouquets Elaine! June with its purple shades is my favourite.
