Saturday, 26 April 2014

is blogging addictive? …

“the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma”

Well – I wouldn’t go as far as the ‘severe trauma’ bit but I do think it is kind of habit-forming. Are you always thinking about the next blog post?  As I was drifting off to sleep last night I was pondering this – as you do – well maybe you don’t.

snapshot of daily life

Whatever I do -  wherever I go - it seems to turn itself into  a blogging opportunity.  Is this affecting my lifestyle?  What I am trying to say is – am I doing things so I can blog about them or am I just going about my business then blogging about it later.

late april flower posy

Why do we feel the need to share the minutiae of our lives?  Is it because it is easier to deal with strangers, people who you will probably never meet face to face – or is it because we can glamourize our lives – things that we may find boring but might seem more exciting to others.

lettuce growing under a bell cloche

I don’t think it is quite the same as keeping a diary or writing a letter where we can reveal our innermost dreams and desires – but without our knowing blog posts can be quite revealing as to who we really are.  I think it is this that I find particularly interesting.

buckets of geraniums

Those  who write about their everyday lives, rather than a specific topic like gardening or crafting, say, open up their lives for all to read about, but probably only reveal themselves as they wish to be seen.

apple blossom

As to it being addictive – for me, I would say yes.  I take my camera everywhere with me – ready to ‘snap’ a moment for the next blog post.  It has definitely made me more observant, finding pleasure in the small things that I would probably never have noticed.

stewed rhubarb

It has opened up a whole new world of what it is like living on another continent – finding out how different our lives are, and yet in some ways, very much the same – the daily round of  people just getting on with their lives wherever they live.

tomato plants

Before I started this blog I had no one to talk to who shared my passion for growing things no one who was really interested – now I have blogging friends who share my enthusiasm.

dicentra and apple blossom

Here are one or two suggestions from the website  blog critics - addiction or conviction -  that may indicate a blogging addiction:-

Impulsivity – Having a great idea for a blog post and feeling the need to address and write about it immediately.  Becoming irritated if you are unable to blog when the idea presents itself.

Do you feel compelled to blog and then feel a sense of elation once the blog entry is published – yet the high is short-lived and you feel compelled to begin again.

Dependence – A strong dependence on others reactions and responses to what was posted.  A need to be affirmed

Well, if I am totally honest, the first two out of the three apply to me – seeing it written down like that is a little worrying I must admit.  But then, such is my personality, that I go at something with all guns blazing, put my all into it – then go ‘cold turkey’ and stop for no particular reason except that I have had enough – and turn my energies to something else – this is the way of things.

Just for fun I took a blogging addiction quiz here (hope it works) and it confirms I am 62% addicted to blogging.  Oh dear. And this blog here tells you 20 ways to know if you are addicted.

So, although I sometimes curse the day I ever started blogging, mainly because it just seems to ‘eat’ up time – I would say that if I had to become addicted to something, that didn’t include drugs and alcohol – then a blogging addiction is a pretty harmless and enjoyable pastime – what say you?


  1. Hello Elaine:

    We love the fact that you find pleasure in the small things, something we all should do, and that you record many of them in your posts through words and images gives so much pleasure to others. If that is an addiction, then it is a totally harmless one.

    We are interested in what you say about feeling the need to write about something as and when it presents itself and, indeed, often thinking of the next blog post. In truth, we find this not to be so and, as a result, our posts are quite infrequent compared with those of others who we follow. As said in a previous comment, at the end of the day we write the blog for ourselves as a way of recording [for what we are unsure] some of the happenings in life which have a particular appeal to us. What we do enjoy is the dialogue which ensues in the comment box and which often leads to emails and, in many instances, has developed into real friendships in the real world.

    Sadly, we clicked on the Addiction Quiz but could, for some reason, go no further.

    1. Dear Jane and Lance
      Maybe the word addiction is too strong but it certainly is habit-forming, for me anyway - I do seem to get withdrawal symptoms when I am not able to get to a computer - I have so many posts in draft that never see the light of day - I think I just enjoy writing.

  2. I think blogging can be addictive but there are different levels to the addiction and yours does not seem to be nearly as unhealthy as others. You enjoy sharing your world and interacting with others and the sens of community so I don't think that's an unhealthy addiction at all. I personally only blog once per week so that I never get too hooked though - it helps a lot if you stick with a lighter blogging schedule! It's a win-win.

    1. I suppose you are right Keith except that sometimes once a week just isn't enough although in winter when there isn't much going on even once a week is a struggle.

  3. An interesting post which I'm sure a lot of bloggers will mostly agree with. I seem to recollect that most blogs only last about six months, and also many people who did blog no longer do as they're on Facebook and/or Twitter.
    I've been blogging regularly, generally two posts every week, for some eight years now and still enjoy it as much as I always did. I don't really feel that's it's addictive but it has certainly become part of my routine. If I didn't do it then I wouldn't have 'met' online friends as I have, and I've certainly never considered it a waste of time. In fact I feel that it has enriched my life in many worthwhile ways.
    Nice pictures. Flighty xx

    1. I hear where you are coming from Flighty and I think the people that we 'meet' whilst blogging are the reason most of us keep on going - there would certainly be a big hole in my day if I wasn't reading other people's posts even though I sometimes find it hard to keep up.

  4. I feel that far more women than men blog I wonder the reason for this, It seems that this is true on Facebook as well, I myself get enjoyment out of both forms of communication but strangely I am not that keen on Twitter

    1. I think the men are blogging but on very different topics than us ladies. I gave Facebook up because I felt I couldn't do justice to that and blogging as well.

  5. Well that certainly is food for thought Elaine.

    When I started blogging many years ago now I would say I was without doubt addicted.
    Having stopped twice......and come back to it, I would say that no longer applies.

    I have always looked at the small things, and I love to share. I also love to read about gardens and the folk who tend them.
    If there is a sprinkling of their personal life, that is a bonus. I think the fact we are all so different is what makes the world go around.

    I will probably stop blogging again.........I can be fickle but I am sure I will always return to it at some point :)

    Tku for such a thought provoking post.

    1. I have a feeling that if I stopped I would never come back to it - at one time I wrote for four blogs on various topics but gave them up one by one as it was just so time consuming - now all the topics end up on this one which makes life a lot easier even though it is now not just dedicated to gardening. And I am so pleased you have begun blogging again I, for one, missed you whilst you took your blogging breaks.

  6. Well, I'm certainly addicted! I think it is a harmless addition most of the time --- though you can get affected by "Passive Blogging" too, you know (e.g. being involved with the blogging antics of spouse / partner!
    I find that blogging about my garden not only allows me to record timings better (sowing, planting, harvest, etc), but also makes me more careful. I think more about what I will do, and how, because I know that I will want to write about it.

    1. I have to say that I admire your total dedication to blogging - your blog must be a great record of your gardening goings-on for you to look back on.

  7. I think it can be addictive, and I do panic if I can't think of something to write about, but according to the test I am 51% addicted, so there is hope for me yet! I started my blog on crafts and gardening, but it has now expanded to the general going's on and trips round and about each week - my weekly blogging journal I suppose. It's nearly two years since I started - my goodness where did that time go - and I have 'met' so many fascinating people, so I think I read blogs more rather than publish at the moment. Not enough time in the day xx

    1. My trouble is that I think of such much I can blog about sometimes and have to restrain myself from blogging every day as I am sure I would bore everyone to death.

  8. Blogging for me is a healthy addiction. There's only so much interest my family can take / show for my job / hobby. It's lovely to communicate, share, inspire and be inspired without the baggage.
    But now you've got me wondering how my life is perceived bu others thru' my posts. Don't think I want to know.

    1. I try not to think about what others think of me as I am a sensitive soul and I hate criticism - so I just pretend I am writing for myself putting my words and pictures out there regardless.

  9. I am so happy to have yo as a blogging friend!! It is nice to share something you are passionate about with others who enjoy the same thing!

  10. Not so long again blogging was an addiction for me but it all started when I was living in a very tiny town and culturally isolated. Once I moved into a larger town and had a bit more going on I blogged less and then not at all for a year. Now I blog sporadically--whenever an idea hits me that I want to share with others because my blog is mostly about ideas and of course, myself. :) And, I do enjoy the affirmation of comments and the dialogue that so often begins. What's interesting is I feel guilty when I don't write a post in awhile but lately not a thing has come to me that I want to write about. Hopefully, the muse will return.

    1. I live way out in the countryside so blogging makes me feel a little less isolated knowing that there are people out there reading my posts and responding.

  11. I enjoy blogging - am I addicted? - I don't know. Blogging links in well with my interest in photography as it gives me a outlet to use my photos. I started regular Wordless Wednesday posts just so I could use photos that just don't fit in to the things I want to write about, I would still take photos if I didn't blog but would I take as many? - I don't know.

    I think part of the fun of blogging is the communication aspect.If no-one commented on my blog - would I have stayed with it for so long?

    I also like the way you get to 'talk; to real people in different parts of the world. It's so different from impressions that can be formed when hearing things reported third hand for instance on the news. It emphasises that we have more in common than we are different. You have a greater interest in world news events as they resonate because 'x' is happening where one of your blog pals lives,,

    I have met in person a couple of Bloggers and it was strange in that it was just like meeting up with someone you knew. I think it's a natural extension to having a penpal as I did when I was a child. The virtual world just makes it easier to have multiple penpals

    I guess now I'll just have to take that test!

    1. 57% addicted - that's not too bad is it? Your link goes to your score so the get to the quiz just take of the score=x% but to end up with

  12. I came out at 52% addicted! I'm sure if I had done the quiz a year ago it would have been much higher. Nowadays I have too much going on sometimes to post weekly especially with my mum so ill, work, caring for grandchildren etc....the list goes on.
    I do tend to take my camera most places though, you never know do you?!!!

    1. My situation is so totally different to yours Anne - no parents, no children therefore no grand children and retired - so I can devote my days to anything that takes my fancy - and as long as I make time for the things I need to do blogging regularly has become part of my daily routine.

  13. A really great post .
    I have often wanted to ask people if they were addicted to blogging or how they felt about it.
    When I started blogging. I had no clue about how it worked. I just went with the flow ..Then went to another blog and it grew from there, others came to me. It is great.
    I have made such wonderful friends through blogging .. It is part of my life now. There is only one thing that i cannot do. I just cant seem to keep up with some of you. As many of you blog most days. In the beginning, that worried me. My mind was working overtime, to think about what i could post.
    Its so great to meet someone new. I love to read comments that dear blogging friends leave. I feel a sense of achievement .
    I often get bloggers block. Indeed, I have gone to bed thinking what can i blog about in my next post.
    I have two new cameras since I started blogging. One I bought myself to better my photos for my posts .and the other one was given to me by one of my sons -
    I like you take my camera everywhere.
    When I am home I take a look back at them to see if they are worth a post.
    I am addicted to it. But cannot get a post out every day.
    This was a great post I so much enjoyed it.
    We do get to know about each other through what we post.
    Sometimes its uncanny, how one can bond with people that we dont know.
    Its the communication with others that is so fulfilling ..
    Happy weeek..
    Thanks for this super post. val

    1. Thanks for stopping by Val - I know blogging gives you much pleasure - it is always interesting to read how others spend their time and get to know them better.

  14. I love blogging, I have learnt so much from people, and I love the interaction, I'm not sure how long I'd blog if I was just talking to myself. I don't think I am addicted, I just see it as a wonderful hobby and a way of recording the garden and animals I interact with. If blogging has us out and about doing things then that's a bonus as far as I'm concerned.
    Some wonderful pics here, especially that posy! Another interesting and thought provoking post!xxx

    1. For me it's all about getting the balance right which sometimes is hard to do as as I find the computer calls to me more often than I would like - but hey, at least it keeps me off the streets. Ha!

  15. So interesting, I thought I was addicted but I came out at 39 %. I think I should be addicted as I had more time. Blogging I do in the evenings when other people watch tv. For me blogging is sharing my love for nature, gardening, plants and animals and I love reading blogs about these subjects. It is also a sort of distraction from the daily things as the care for my very old parents which give many problems.
    By blogging I am watching better around and make lots more photos then before. Furthermore, I think it´s so nice to have virtual friends all over the world with the same interest.

    1. Like you I take far more photos than I used to - I love sharing them and seeing what everyone else is doing in their garden.

  16. This made me smile as i recognised many things you were saying! I took the quiz and it was only slightly below you at 60%. It is wonderful to find others with similar interests. Things can turn into blogging opportunities and blogging has made me more adventurous and my photography has also improved too! Sarah x

    1. My husband can't understand my blogging obsession and why I spend so long on the computer - he just doesn't get it. I tend to say yes to more outings now and as long as I can take my camera with me I'm a happy bunny.

  17. 54% addicted.
    As others have said, the biggest buzz for me comes from the interaction with blogging friends. I enjoy blogging, but it has other uses too. It's an excellent discipline to get stuff done, especially around the garden!

    1. It seems my 67% score is high compared to everyone else. But like you say blogging is a good incentive to get things done so you can blog about it later.

  18. Hi Elaine, your photos are lovely. I think that anything can be addictive. I must say that I do enjoy blogging and find it to be therapeutic. It also gives me a good feeling to know that I have brought a smile to someone's face and given them some positive things to dwell on.

    1. Thank you Linda. I agree -I think I have an addictive personality - so why fight it.

  19. I began blogging so that my 3 children (2 in Oz, 1 in London) could keep-up with what we were doing day-by-day. Like you, I keep a camera with me most of the time, and blog about any old rubbish that comes to mind. It keeps me busy in the early hours!

    1. I enjoy reading about 'any old rubbish' and your rubbish is more interesting than most.

  20. Ha! Very interesting!! I think about this topic a lot...especially when I stay up way too late to blog knowing I should be in bed!!! First let me just say that your above garden photos in this post are stunning!!! I loved every single one of them! Now I wish I had something profound to say about all of the stats and data surrounding blogs and the reasons people do it......all I can say is that I'm glad we do. It shows me that through the chaos of modern times....there is a common thread of simplicity that we all crave in our everyday lives. It has opened my eyes to the beauty that is around me each and everyday. Though we are advancing as a civilization it seems as though many of us are just fine with the "old fashioned" ways of the past and this brings me peace. I always enjoy your space friend! Wishing you a lovely weekend! Nicole xoxo

    1. I know what you mean Nicole - even though we live in a technological age - blogging brings us back to basics - and there are so many interesting people out there to communicate with.

  21. Well I just did the quiz and I'm 47% addicted. I think when I first started my blog 9 years ago I would have scored more highly than that. I think now I worry about what I'm going to blog about next far less than I used to in fact this week my mind is absolutely blank so I haven't written a post for a week - I usually try and write two a week if I can. I think my main inspiration for blogging is taking photos of places of interest and I haven't done much of that recently. This was a fascinating post, Elaine - thank you for sharing your thoughts on blogging with us. Happy Weekend:)

    1. Good heavens Rosie - 9 years - you certainly have stickability- I'm not sure I will last that long - but you obviously enjoy doing it - I think the longer you do it the less worry it causes if you don't post regularly and that the regular followers will always be there for you regardless of a long wait.

  22. From time to time I take a conscious break from blogging. Otherwise I find all my thoughts being framed and re-framed as blog posts instead of free-wheeling ideas and observations.

    1. I think I agree with you Esther and if I felt my posts were getting a bit samey and unoriginal then I probably would take a break to re-vitalise my imagination.

    2. I did the quiz. I got 51% but it wouldn't tell me the answer till I'd decided whether or not to join a dating service. Maybe the quiz-makes thinks if you get over 40% or something like that you are too, too sad and need help in getting a life?

  23. Excellent post. I think I agree with all of it. I have been on holiday this week and the highlight has been catching up with all my blogging.
    I managed to get 71% in the quiz but I think I cheated slightly!
    I love the randomness of your posts - and the posies.
    By the way, I never could crack the Telegraph crossword you seem to be doing so well with, but am loving the Times's new "quick cryptic"...
    All the best - sorry I don't comment very often on your excellent blog, but by the time I see your posts I usually find everyone else has said it all already!
    Best wishes :)

    1. Oh hurrah someone who has a higher score than me. I hadn't thought of my posts as being random - maybe I should change the name of my blog to 'Random Ramblings' ha. I don't do 'cryptic' my brain doesn't work like that but the Saturday Telegraph crossword is general knowledge which is more up my street. Don't worry about not commenting - I know you are lurking in the background!

  24. haha! I know what you mean. Its even affecting my sleep! I have started to take a pen and paper to bed with me cause often I just lay in bed and all these ideas start coming that and I just have to write them down. By the way your flowers are beautiful!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Debbie - I often get my best ideas just before I fall asleep and just hope I can remember them in the morning. I came over to your blog but couldn't find anywhere to leave a comment!

  25. Am I addicted? Well maybe! I get weary of it sometimes. It has brought me great friendships though. And I have learned so much in the last four years. That can't be bad, can it?

    1. No it certainly can't Jennifer - maybe some time away from blogging is the answer and would help you see things in a different light.

  26. Blogging addiction - well everything is an addiction these days..before it was called a an addiction. :) I took the test you left us and got 54%, but they are lying. The only thing I'm addicted to is chocolate. Large amounts of chocolate :)

    1. Maybe you're right Leanan - but even hobbies can become addictive - luckily for me I am not particularly a chocolate lover - I have too many bad habits already.

  27. It is an interesting question. Why do we blog? I do it because I am a passionate about my garden and I love writing. So I enjoy writing about my garden. I don't know whether I am addicted but I don't have a television so I spend my evenings reading and writing. I wonder how people who watch T.V. every night would score on the addiction scale? And whether they worry about that.
    I love your posy of flowers.

    1. They are the same reasons I blog Chloris and would suspect I am equally addicted to television but I have never had to put that to the test.

  28. I'm 45% addicted, so I'll go away now and think about what that means! I've certainly enjoyed sharing thoughts with people who have the same interests and I would miss that if I gave up blogging. But I wish there were more hours in the week to give time to it.
    Lovely photos of the flowers and veg.

    1. I think I am going to re-do that test as my score is far higher than anyone else's - maybe I answered the questions too honestly! Time is such a factor with blogging I agree in summer I would much rather be outside and doing actual gardening - rather than blogging about it - a happy medium has to be reached somewhere along the line.

  29. An interesting question Elaine. I'm not sure that I'm addicted to blogging in the way I was once addicted to cigarettes. I know though that I'm addicted to the internet in general and am not sure how long I would last without any access :) Off to have a go at that quiz. P.S. Are you enjoying 'The Silver Dark Sea'?

  30. I agree, the internet has definitely become central in my life - only a few short years ago I wouldn't have been able to say that. And yes I am loving the book definitely one for the 'favourites' shelf.

  31. Hi Elaine,
    My blogging has been a bit erratic this year from lack of time more than anything though I think I needed a bit of a break from it, but I love reading other peoples blogs and love the little community that you get around gardening blogs. I've learnt so much from bloggers too.

    1. I know its hard to keep up with everything when you lead a busy life- but it is always there when you feel the need to write a blog post and nice to know that people enjoy reading your posts makes it all worthwhile.

  32. Well that certainly got everybody "talking"! I'm glad I am not the only one who finds themselves wandering around writing blog posts in their head, though you are considerably better than me at actually turning them in to real blog posts... I too have found blogging invaluable for giving me access to a community of people as nutty about gardening and plants as I am, something I lack in the "real" world. I learn so much and get great inspiration from the blogging world. and love the interactions that occur.

    1. It's nice to read posts from around the world and see what inspires others to garden - picking up hints and tips along the way - and fellow gardeners are such nice people too.

  33. Great discussion here Elaine and thanks for highlighting this subject. I can relate to many others too, especially about doing things or going places and thinking I must write about this or that. My camera goes everywhere with me. I do get writers blocked occasionally but do t worry if I can't get a post out for a week, knowing that it'll come. I do find though that I worry if I'm behind with my blog reading and can spend hours trying to catch up with commenting if I've had a particularly busy time - always trying to chase my tail. I love that I've met SO many wonderful like minded people around the world and peeking into their lives and homes and enjoy sharing my life and hobbies with everyone too. Yes, I'm definitely addicted but sometimes have to divide my real world with that of my virtual world. I wouldn't be without it now.
    Patricia x

    1. I know Pat - sometimes it can all become a bit overwhelming and just not possible to get round to everyone's posts - achieving a balance isn't always easy.

  34. I don't think I'm addicted to blogging, but I definitely get a lot of joy from it. Most of my friends weren't gardeners and I needed a way to connect with other people as passionate about gardening as I am. I also love to write and tend to view trips into the garden as potential blog posts. It's made me more observant of my garden and myself. It's also saved my family from having to listen to me drone on about plants. Plus, my friends no longer think I'm cussing at them in Latin.

    1. May be addicted is too strong a word – but I feel the same way as you – that is why I started to blog in the first place – a need to connect with others who felt the same way as me about tending a garden and watching things grow and the sense of satisfaction it brings – and it provides an outlet for my need to put things into words which has also been a lifelong passion.
