Saturday 10 February 2024

Making time to read everyday

 I get through many books during the year from bookshops charity shops the local library and swapping with friends.  It is a bit of an obsession. - I have a tall pile of books waiting to be read - each dependant on what mood I am in.  This is my latest purchase from Oxfam.  HEBates is a favourite writer of countryside tales beautifully descriptive observations - but mainly I enjoy fiction

This is what I am reading at the moment - well I have almost finished it - written in, I think, 1939 but reprinted in 2014 - a sort of spy thriller about the Second World War - not really my kind of book but I am really enjoying it - which has surprised me and goes to prove that good writing will overcome prejudices - it was 10p in a library sale - a true bargain.


  1. Hi, I caught up with you last night but didn't comment. I have a lot of reading to do at the moment so things I want to read from choice are going by the wayside. I have never really stopped contact with you because of Instagram.

  2. Hi Rachel are you doing a course or something - I’m surprised there is anyone left who I used to know in bloglandand that I am still on anyone’s list - do you still blog?

  3. I love the covers of good books too. They are making a comeback from the old days.

    1. This one really caught my eye - the liner one is from a poster I believe
