Monday, 5 September 2011

Cobwebs and Raindrops

The last couple of days it has rained early in the morning then turned lovely and sunny in the afternoons.  The cobwebs in and around the plants were all glistening with raindrops.
And the netting over the brassicas was dotted all over with perfect little diamonds set in every corner. It is these unexpected delights that give me so much pleasure in the garden.  What does it for you?


  1. I'm always drawn to taking photos of raindrops too. Yours capture them beautifully.

  2. Ooo I love your photos, they have great depth! Those diamonds (perfect description) are so pretty:~) Great coincidence!

  3. Beautiful pictures! I love early morning rain too.

  4. a fresh and sparkingly clear take on what catches your eye. The unexpected delights are often anything that blooms in my garden ;)

  5. Lovely photos! There's something almost magical about both of these. Flighty xx

  6. I love pictures with water drops Elaine. The first ones look like diamonds on the webs.
