Tuesday 19 March 2024

Bread making Tuesday


On Monday afternoon decided to make a loaf of no knead bread - you leave it overnight then bake the next morning - it is always successful and is certainly no fuss - nice and crusty but squidgy in the middle

Went shopping as I do every Tuesday - it was sunny in town but raining hard when we got home - I find shopping exhausting to be honest - packing and unpacking - always glad when it’s done.  Did another cupboard decluttering yesterday - the one with all the baking tins and cooking dishes in - threw a few things away - cleaned the cupboard and put things back in some sort of order - felt better for doing it.


  1. The bread looks so delicious! Do you have a particular recipe you use? I am familiar with The New York Times No Knead recipe, but wonder if this is a different one? Thanks for sharing your lovely life. :)

  2. I can’t remember where I got the recipe but I have pinned quite a few on Pinterest and they all seem to work - thanks for your interest
