Sunday 14 April 2024

It’s Sunday Again


A chilly but fine day bacon and fried tomatoes on sourdough for breakfast - a bit of pootling about in the garden - finished my book Miss Garnets Angel and decided on my next one - muddy Boots and Silk Stockings by Julia Stoneham

It’s a Second World War story which I like to intersperse amongst contemporary books.  Tidied up my work station  and did some painting. Watched The Road by Cormac McCarthy all these post apocalypse shorts I have been watching are nothing compared to this film.  After lunch of Stilton and crackers I did a bit more outside planting those primulas bought the other day.

 Dinner was roast chicken and cheesecake for pudding. Watched Celebrity Bake Off and This Town which I’m getting bored with.  And so to bed.


  1. I usually leave a few days between books as otherwise I don't seem to hsve left the first one behind

  2. I know what you mean this often happens depending on the book
