Sunday 26 May 2024

It’s Sunday Again


I’ve been busy. Every spare moment when it hasn’t been raining I been trying to keep up with the garden jobs - it’s hard it’s constant there’s so much to do. Most of the beans I have planted have been attacked by slugs - they are so destructive - I really wonder why I bother - they have even begun on a tomato plant - something that’s never happened before and the courgette leaves another one that’s never happened before - they are voracious this year. It’s all a bit disappointing - the only plants that seem to be doing okay are the potatoes. It was a sunny day on Saturday so I gave myself the afternoon off and read outside and finished a book that I only bought on Thursday - an easy read - the first book I have finished in a while - sometimes I flit from book to book - start one then put it down and pick up another - perhaps that indicates what state my mind is in I don’t know. I do seem to have a lot on my mind at the moment and it unsettles me. So blogging might be a little hit and miss for now


  1. I know what you mean about the slugs, they have eaten my beans, courgettes, pumpkins, melon seedlings and cucumbers. It really is annoying!xxx

  2. It’s all the rainy weather I guess and they’re thriving - so disappointing I’ve sown some more beans - don’t think we will be getting much to eat this year
