Saturday 6 April 2024

Something about a Saturday


Read a stupid article or two in yesterdays paper - one about a doctors practice in Kent that was asking patients to bring their own batteries for the machine  when they were going in for a blood pressure test and the other was about not calling your parents mother and father as it was considered oppressive - I really despair of this world we live in.

In the morning went to the local co-op for weekend provisions and to the post office to deposit some money- had some tomato soup for lunch even though the day was so mild and not really soup weather - took pictures of tulips - mowed the front lawn until the hover mower conked out - had to borrow a lawn mower to finish it off.  Had a rest and watched Angus and the auction programme.  Fed the cats twice although they weren’t really bothered - made a chilli for tea and then watched a stupid film called The Lost City - that’s two hours of  my life I won’t get back again.

Y. Othered