Monday, 13 June 2011

Lazy Sunday

Did b***** all yesterday.  The rain never stopped all day so spent most of it reading the Sundays.  Not a bad way to spend Sunday but the outside work is stacking up.  This is when I start to get a bit panicky -will I be able to catch up.  The sun has just come out so it may not be that bad today for a few jobs.  Weed, weed, weed is the motto for the day.
Pictured above:  Nicotiana in a pot.  Put the pot on a garden chair to keep them above slug level as the leaves look very juicy.

1 comment:

  1. It was the same here so I spent much of it sofa flying.
    I'll also have plenty of weeding to do when I'm next on the plot! Flighty xx
