Tuesday 27 September 2011

Season of Mists ...

Today was the first of misty autumnal mornings, the leaves are beginning to fall, and cobwebs are woven inbetween the plants like little parachutes.

We had a wonderful day weather-wise yesterday and I was able to make headway into all the jobs that had been piling up.  I planted out five containers with bulbs and pansies, with more to come, then I began clearing debris and cutting back plants that were past their best and transplanting foxglove seedlings that have popped up in all the wrong places.  They have all now been grouped together with some new hollyhock plants to give a good display next year. 

Hopefully, once the mist has burned off, I should be able to carry on weeding and mulching and putting everything to rights.  Putting the garden to bed for winter is one of my favourite gardening pursuits, once all the bulbs and wallflowers are planted I can sit back and think 'good job done' nothing left to do till next year.
Then I can clean all my tools, store them away oiled and protected, but not for a while yet - there is still work to be done.
Photo source:  Pinterest


  1. Elaine, you are a shining example to us all...Cheek aside, that is a super picture with all your tools (clean of course) and bags and hat. It would make a lovely card to send to friends.

  2. Janet - I forgive you for taking the mickey - but you see I live in this fantasy perfect world where everything is done on time, the garden always looks wonderful and I clean my tools every winter - who am I kidding?

  3. I like days like this, especially for gardening. Flighty xx

  4. Sigh. Don't we all wish our ducks were all in a row? Seeds ordered, bulbs planted, tools cleaned and sorted. And a pretty picture to finish it off! Hope you have a great time tidying up for winter.

  5. I haven't even done my bulb order yet, let alone planted any! I too love putting the garden to rights for the winter, and mulching best of all. Tucking the garden up in its very own duvet.
