Saturday 20 April 2024

Something about a Saturday


I was scrolling through all the thousands of photos on my pc looking for one or two favourites to show someone who is interested in photography and it made me realise just how many photos I have which I used to use for my blog - I really ought to spend some deleting a lot of them - I wish I had done it at the time when I was editing them - now it will take forever to do if I ever get round to it - I do it fairly regularly in my iPad because of space issues. Anyway because of this trip through my photos the day kind of got away from me and gave me a stiff neck to boot. 

I finished my book this morning Cold Earth by Sarah Moss - it was a good story of archaeologists in Greenland looking for Viking remains but while they were there the pandemic broke out and everything went kind of haywire - when the time came for them to finish the project the plane didn’t come as arranged to pick them up consequently it was a fight for survival - I won’t give away the ending but I thought it was a bit weak.

Also a long telephone conversation took up quite a bit of time so in the end I hardly did anything I had planned to do - maybe I’ll get on better tomorrow. Watched 60 years of music at the BBC in the evening and tried to log in to my Channel 4 account to watch a Scandi series but it wouldn’t accept my password - so frustrating.  The weather was pretty good but still chilly and we had a chicken stir fry for tea which was very spicy.

Time for bed

1 comment:

  1. I got behind with my tagging photos which I haven't yet caught up with. I guess I missed doing this for a year and I take lots of photos.
